Building Trust and Empathy in Communication
By: Amira Barre, Mission Partners Research and Engagement Coordinator
Recording of "Building Trust and Empathy in Communication"
Highlights from "Building Trust and Empathy in Communication"
In our last community conversation on…

What I Know For Sure
But one thing’s for sure; some of the greatest innovations in history have come in moments of crisis. However we are seen post-COVID-19 will be defined by how we show up during COVID-19. As we near the fall, as schools scramble to determine feasible and safe solutions, as election officials determine how best to ensure we get out to vote, I am doubling down on three things: humanity, equity, and civility.

Where Ethics and Persuasion Meet
Every day it seems, as public relations practitioners, we are the ones who are our organizations’ dream killers. Often, our leadership thinks our only job is to convince donors, volunteers, constituents, or other stakeholders to donate, to volunteer, or to follow – through the messages and images we conjure up. But in real life, we walk a fine line between advocating for our organizations, their missions, visions, and values; and protecting and giving voice to our organizations’ audiences.

The Economics of Inequality
By: May Robinson, Mission Partners Director of Community Engagement
Recording of "The Economics of Inequality"
Highlights from "The Economics of Inequality"
In our last community conversation on race and humanity in the workplace,…

Race and Humanity in the Workplace
By: May Robinson, Mission Partners Director of Community Engagement
Recording of "Race and Humanity in the Workplace"
Highlights from "Race and Humanity in the Workplace"
Earlier this year, we planned The Business Case for Racial…

Systems Won’t Change Unless People Do
All lives will not matter until Black Lives Matter. For George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the millions of other Black people unjustifiably murdered as a result of our racist systems, we must do better in our advocacy and our allyship. In reference to Sorrell's quote, the time is now to do something about it.
We can't let this be another moment when our country passively witnesses racism without taking bold actions toward change.
If you don't know where to start, consider joining our team in one or more of the following actions.

Beyond COVID: Systems Change is People Change
By: May Robinson, Mission Partners Director of Community Engagement
We are nearly three months into one of the most trying times of our lives. There isn’t one aspect of our lives that COVID-19 hasn’t touched—our workplaces and the way…

Balancing Parenting and Productivity
By: Arron Neal, Mission Partners Chief Strategy Officer + May Robinson, Mission Partners Director of Community Engagement
The balancing act that parents perform between achieving at work and spending quality time with their family has always…

Finding Humanity Behind Action: Racial Equity Interview with Carolyn Lowery
By: Jessica Hassanzadeh, Mission Partners Managing Director
Like many in our community and around the world, Mission Partners and Leadership Montgomery made the decision to postpone our annual Spring Convening, The Business Case for Race…

The Importance of Self-Care and Wellness
By: Bridget Pooley, Mission Partners COO + May Robinson, Mission Partners Director of Community Engagement
“When we don’t take care of ourselves, we pay a price — especially during this crisis: innovation, creativity, resilience, empathy,…