Brace for Impact.
You’ve just woken up to a buzzing cellphone. Just as you reach to silence it, you notice that dozens of text messages have come in while you slept.Brace yourself: your organization is in an active crisis, and you’re going to need to guide…

You Decide.
When I was young, I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Each book in the set presented readers with a unique set of pathways that—based on your own choices as a reader—would determine the main character's actions and the plot's…

What Will You Do?
October 26, 1948. That’s the day a mysterious fog descended upon the valley town of Donora, Pennsylvania. Residents of the small mining town had grown used to murky air over the years but on this day in Donora, the morning fog just didn’t…

Leap of Faith.
25 years ago, a Detroit journalist named Mitch Albom was at the height of his sports reporting career. At the time, he was an up-and-coming ESPN reporter, working 100-hour-weeks between television and radio appearances, and his syndicated column.…

“When your hourglass runs out of sandYou can't flip it over and start againTake every breath God gives you for what it's worth.” Don’t blink. Those are words from Kenny Chesney’s 2007 country ballad Don’t Blink. The song tells…

Watch for the Signs.
In 2020, the video game world learned something special about Marvel’s newest Spider-Man character, Miles Morales. Turns out he’s pretty good at American Sign Language (ASL). Superfans already knew the character to be bilingual from the…

Navigating a False Sense of Urgency in the Workplace
In a society that tends to prioritize productivity over well-being, it’s no surprise that many professionals are hesitant to take time for themselves during the workday. According to a study conducted by Tork in 2021, 39% of people occasionally,…

No Apology Needed.
Several years ago, I was working with a national nonprofit on a campaign that required a heavy stretch of out-of-state travel. At the time, Brian and I were working in business together, and our daughter was quite young. After coming up empty…

Transforming Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces
Does the thought of creating a safe space ever make you nervous? Last year, I felt that way as I was preparing to facilitate a workplace satisfaction conversation for a group of employees. I was responsible for guiding a space that was about…

The Boiling Point.
There’s a great book by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson called 212°: The Extra Degree, that my friend Eric Elliott turned me onto earlier this year. 212° is the temperature at which water boils. Just one degree less, at 211°, and hot water…