What Do You See?
Last weekend, I took my daughters into Washington, D.C. to attend the opening of the Smithsonian’s If Then/She Can Exhibit, the largest collection of statues of women ever assembled. On a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon, we toured through…

Checking in on You.
“I can’t seem to focus…”
“I’m just so distracted...”
“It’s all so much to process...”
If your workplace is like mine, the mood starting this week was decidedly different from the last. By noon on Monday, comments…

Good to Be…
Many of us won’t be returning to traditional workspaces, and if we do, it surely won’t be as it was before. Settling into our remote offices means that in most cases, we have far fewer opportunities to be in community with our peers. But that’s only if we make it so.

What Would it Hurt to Ask?
Think about the last hard question that was tossed your way. I mean a really hard question. Maybe it was in a large presentation, at a weekly team meeting, or in a one-on-one conversation with a colleague.
Wherever it was, I want you to…

Check Your Light.
A few weeks back, I shared the story of Rabbi Yossi with some colleagues, and wanted to share it with you today, too:
Thousands of years ago, Rabbi Yossi, a famous Jewish sage, was walking down the road when he encountered a blind man carrying…

Not So Fast.
Ah, the race to the finish. How often it shows up in our daily routines: the race to finish the campaign concept; the race to develop the event materials, the race to see results. For a long time, I assumed this was just how PR professionals operated; at a pace that is entirely unrealistic at best, and terribly unhealthy at worst.

You Can Observe a Lot by Watching
Observation is so much more than just watching, or listening–it’s a much deeper mental process. Observation allows us to understand information in new ways; it helps us see what’s possible, what’s feasible, and what’s avoidable. Observation is also a tool to identify and address gaps or biases that might be hiding in our own communications styles, but it’s not always employed in that way.

What Would You Do With Your “Take 2”?
January 15, 2009. 13 years ago.
The day that U.S. Airways flight 1549 landed deftly in New York's Hudson River, at the hands of Captain “Sully” Sullenberger after the passenger jet suffered massive damage after hitting a flock of birds.

Write This Down.
Has your body ever told you when something’s on your mind?
For me, it shows up in a restless night’s sleep. My eyes burst open, typically right around the strike of 3:00am and I realize there’s something I must attend to. Maybe it’s…

I Need to Say Something
Have you ever thought, as you see a conversation playing out at work, in a community meeting, or a casual gathering with friends, “I should really say something.”
Maybe a different perspective could be useful in this moment, or additional…