“When your hourglass runs out of sandYou can't flip it over and start againTake every breath God gives you for what it's worth.” Don’t blink. Those are words from Kenny Chesney’s 2007 country ballad Don’t Blink. The song tells…

Watch for the Signs.
In 2020, the video game world learned something special about Marvel’s newest Spider-Man character, Miles Morales. Turns out he’s pretty good at American Sign Language (ASL). Superfans already knew the character to be bilingual from the…

No Apology Needed.
Several years ago, I was working with a national nonprofit on a campaign that required a heavy stretch of out-of-state travel. At the time, Brian and I were working in business together, and our daughter was quite young. After coming up empty…

The Boiling Point.
There’s a great book by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson called 212°: The Extra Degree, that my friend Eric Elliott turned me onto earlier this year. 212° is the temperature at which water boils. Just one degree less, at 211°, and hot water…

Goodbye, Old Friend.
In the wee hours of Monday morning, September 12, we said goodbye to a dear old friend and the most loyal of companions. Baxter Ignatius Fox was a brother, a best friend, a teacher, and a life coach. In these first few days since his passing,…

More Than Words.
“I’m not very good with words.”
Over my 20+ years in social impact communications, I’ve heard this little phrase vocalized more than any other: from the leaders of global nonprofits to the founders of successful, venture-backed startups.…

The Value of Shared Values.
Not too long ago, I was working with a national advocacy organization that had recently completed a merger. On paper, these two organizations coming together was a brilliant idea. Each team had a strong track record of success, and a merger…

Anger Management
Have you ever been on the receiving end of someone’s very bad day? I suspect yes, and probably more than once. Have you ever taken your bad day out on someone else? Again, just a hunch, but I feel a yes coming on.
We’ve all had bad…

Dare to Ask.
A friend of mine is an advertising executive responsible for art directing several well-known and well-loved consumer campaigns. Over the past 2 decades, her work has moved millions of people to action, in support of dozens of brands and causes.

Systems Won’t Change Until People Do.
Not too long ago, I was working with an executive who believed her team didn’t need her anymore. She wanted so badly to engage her colleagues in critical conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion but she felt uncomfortable leading…