Still Going.
Dear Friends,
50 weeks ago, I set out on a special project called Finding the Words, a weekly writing assignment to capture some of the lessons that have powered my life and work over the past 20 years. Sometimes the stories were deeply…

Did That Go OK?
Have you ever had one of those moments, maybe after a big presentation or an important conversation with a loved one when you’ve wondered, “did that go OK?”The desire to be heard, understood, and maybe even remembered. We all want that…

Come Closer.
I was 16 years old when I first experienced the power of narrative change.It was coming on Christmas, and I was working in my very first internship at a public relations firm in the suburbs of northern New Jersey. That winter, I had been tasked…

Find Your Core.
Every year around this time, the demand for fitness memberships skyrocket. And for good reason: the start of a new calendar year brings with it renewed commitments to our personal health and wellbeing. Finally, I’m going to get that core I’ve…

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”
Anne Lamott
A couple years back, I wrote a blog called Out of Office, about the all-too common struggle of disconnecting from technology.…

Breaking News.
This morning, we awoke to breaking news:
New details from yesterday’s missile strike.
An historic lunar mission has begun.
And a presidential bid has been announced.
News is breaking—everywhere. And unless you completely…

Brace for Impact.
You’ve just woken up to a buzzing cellphone. Just as you reach to silence it, you notice that dozens of text messages have come in while you slept.Brace yourself: your organization is in an active crisis, and you’re going to need to guide…

You Decide.
When I was young, I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure book series. Each book in the set presented readers with a unique set of pathways that—based on your own choices as a reader—would determine the main character's actions and the plot's…

What Will You Do?
October 26, 1948. That’s the day a mysterious fog descended upon the valley town of Donora, Pennsylvania. Residents of the small mining town had grown used to murky air over the years but on this day in Donora, the morning fog just didn’t…

Leap of Faith.
25 years ago, a Detroit journalist named Mitch Albom was at the height of his sports reporting career. At the time, he was an up-and-coming ESPN reporter, working 100-hour-weeks between television and radio appearances, and his syndicated column.…