Communicating the Impossible with Think Wrong Author Greg Galle


About This Episode

Greg Galle comes to us this week with an approach to addressing culture that begins with our brains. We live with certain neurological realities, he says, “these are how we learn things, the synaptic connections that are created, and that has sort of trapped us.”

In his book Think Wrong, Greg argues that the way we solve problems is broken. The extent to which they’re broken depends on our cultural realities. “How do we disrupt culture?” He asks. “Because cultures are self-preserving and that’s great if you have a good, healthy culture, but if you’re trying to create change, or even trying to improve or strengthen a culture, there will always be a natural resistance.”

Greg is the co-founder of strategy firm Solve/Next. As author of the book Think Wrong, he celebrates over 30 years of experience thinking wrong about leadership, planning, and decision-making. His book is used around the world and across all sectors, from global corporations to individuals running local non-profits.

This week on the show, we talk to Greg about how we trick our brains, and how we trick our cultures and our communities, into exploring new possibilities and departing from the status quo. We’re so grateful to Greg for his participation this week as we all continue to move our Mission Forward.

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